Case Presentation #28

2021-12-05 07:17:06
Case Presentation #28

The patient is a 72 yo female who collapsed at home while eating dinner with her husband. EMS brought the patient to the ER and the physician noted the following: garbled speech, right sided hemiparesia and able to follow commands with left side. BP 160/90, PR was 90 bpm and irregular and ECG revealed AF rhythm. Brain CT showed ischemic stroke.. She went to the stroke rehabilitation center after discharge where combination therapy program (conventional rehabilitation combined with virtual reality rehabilitation) was planned for her. This program included Recovery Tech VR game based rehabilitation to improve motor function in affected upper extremity. At 10 weeks, the patient was nearly back to normal life and was able to do activities of daily living.

The patient is a 72 yo female who collapsed at home while eating dinner with her husband