Case Presentation #15
A 44-year-old man was admitted to the hospital with numbness and weakness of the left extremities. Brain CT scan revealed focal infarction in the posterior limb of the internal capsule and MRI revealed intracranial arteritis.The patient had been diagnosed with Behcet syndrome a few years ago, but he didn’t follow his treatment program. He was admitted with diagnosis of acute cerebral infarction and vasculitis duo to BD and, after discharge, was referred to an outpatient rehabilitation centre. In that center, he received conventional therapy and Recovery Tech VR game based rehabilitation for 12 weeks, 3 sessions/week by the occupational therapist as face-to-face sessions. Virtual reality has been shown to improve upper limbs functioning when used as an adjunct to conventional treatment. By the end of the therapy period, the patient’s motor performance of upper extremity improved so substantially that he was ready to return to his normal life and follow the treatment of his underlying disease.